ku # 1110 ~ autumnal splendor - a variation

Backyard tree # 2 ~ Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggenIn the first autumnal splendor entry, civilized ku # 1136, I opined about my dislike of screaming colorist (hue&saturation to the max) pictures of nature's annual rite of Autumnal color. In doing so, I also expressed my like of small touches of fall color pictured against less spectacular colors.
Herein, is a variation on the scene from that earlier entry wherein the background is a field of green. Like the the first picture only more so, the field of green depicted therein is comprised and composed of quite few shades of green. I point this green variation out inasmuch as such a variation within a single picture is something I do not see very often.
IMO, that's because most sensors tend to overload the color green with too much yellow-biased color content which, admittedly, makes for very warm and pleasing (to most eyes and sensibilities) greens. However, at the same time, it also obfuscates the often subtle, and at times even the not-so-subtle, differences in nature's many splendored shades of green. In my experience, it takes careful attention in the RAW conversion and PS processing stages of digital picture "developing" to get it right.
Of course, if your objective is to get it wrong (with the intent of featuring homogenized "wow"-em greens), feel free to forget/ignore anything I've stated.
Reader Comments (1)
Thanks for the tip about yellow and greens. Looking to try it. Would like to see a range of greens in my photos.