civilized ku # 816-820 ~ after the party's over

20 Main ~ wherein I kick the Cinemascapist's and another gallery owner's ass • Au Sable Forks - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
Gallery side wall • click to embiggen
Gallery side wall • click to embiggen
Gallery center wall • click to embiggen
Exhibit folio and book • click to embiggenWhile some of the gallery goers were enjoying libations and live music at 20 Main as part of the exhibit event, I went back across Main Street to the gallery to take pictures of the exhibit sans people. It was my first opportunity to do so as I drove the last nail and hung the last picture about 5 minutes before the opening reception began. It was that close.
FYI, the exhibit is comprised of 37 prints* - 12 24×24s and 25 12×12s. In addition there is the 8×8 soft cover books and the 8.5×11 10 print folios. With absolutely none of the exhibit items existent prior to the opening, it really is amazing that it all came together. Much thanks to my erstwhile assistant, Erica, who was of great value in the production of the picture stuff. And, of course, much thanks to The Wife who gave up the kitchen for a couple days (it became the picture mounting facility), who handled all the refreshment stuff, and who was generally supportive and tolerant of a half-crazed picture maker throughout the duration of the run-up to the exhibition opening.
And, the reviews are coming in ....
Last Friday, I went to the new Tahawus Lodge Center – currently under renovation as part of an ongoing rehab project. On display was "The Forks - there's no place like home" by photographer Mark Hobson,which features intimate and intriguing portraits of the local community ... you can see Hobson's great photos right through the great shop front windows ... you might have seen Hobson's work recently in the Lake Placid Center for the Arts Annual Juried Exhibition. "Most of my pictures feel like memories of dreams from long ago," says Hobson, describing his work. "In my mind my pictures seem more like...glimpses of lost connections to something intuitively known or remembered ." Of course, a picture is worth a thousand words, so the best way to experience Hobson's evocative work is to head over to Ausable forks and check it out ... It is a great photography show in an exciting new gem of a space and I recommend stopping by for a visit. Athena Roth ~
Over the next day or two, I'll put up an online gallery of the pictures in the exhibition.
*3 of the 24×24 prints are on easels in the front windows - these prints were turned inward during the exhibit.
Reader Comments (1)
Correction on shuffleboard comment: wherein I kick the Cinemascapist's and JBs ASS WITH THE HELP OF another gallery owner...
Get it right...anyways I want a rematch.