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« civilized ku # 653 ~ the good life | Main | FYI »

civilized ku # 649-52 ~ shock(ed) and awe

Wired for my reboot • click to embiggen
My parent's gravesite ~ Rochester, NY • click to embiggen
I'm back.

Upon my late-day return from Rochester on Thursday, I immediately slipped into prepping for my 2nd Cardioversion on Friday. Friday was taken up with the procedure and Saturday was a day of rest, relaxation, and recuperation - from, not only the procedure, but also my time in Rochester where a death, a wake, a funeral, a bit of support for the ex-wife, 3 rounds of golf, and a number of visits with friends and relatives really tuckered me out.

That said, I did manage to get in a bit of rest - and practice just in case my Cardiovert procedure went awry - on/at my parent's gravesite while I was in Rochester. Fortunately, the Cardiovert when well and my heart is once again back in rhythm but I'm certain that my practice time will be put to good use at some future point in time.

BTW & FYI, the wired picture was made by the wife.

Reader Comments (6)


this is quite funny, a few days ago I had about the same thing as you had in hospital:

Old warriors are getting a bit old.

All the best,


September 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJaap

First, I must declare that I took a rectangular photo, showing substantially more leg, but since editorial whimsy on this blog dictates that photos are square, with murky corners, you dedicated members of the public are not able to share my full vision. I am certainly not the first artist to rail against fascist editors.

Second, the poor nurse who was taking care of gravitas on the day of his procedure was horrified by the grave-top pictures, as are all thinking people. It is no surprise that he found everything a bit more painful that day - the nurse was in no mood. I know the feeling.

September 5, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterthe wife

Even though I've had A-Fib symptoms for about 7 years now, I've never had one of those procedures (cardioversion). But my symptoms tend to go away on their own. I rarely have an episode that lasts longer than 6 or 7 hours, and then I'm back in sinus rhythm. I did try catheter ablation once (which would have fixed the problem permanently, if successful), but it didn't work. The only thing I can do now is a procedure called Pulmonary Ablation. I also take a couple of drugs. Have they pitched any of these procedures to you? Or drugs?

By the way, I agree with your wife. We ought to be able to see her "full vision". It's her image, after all. You could deviate from the "Sponge Bob Square Pants" look just once, couldn't you?

September 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Maxim

Paul Maxim asked, I also take a couple of drugs. Have they pitched any of these procedures to you? Or drugs?

Catheter ablation is on the radar screen as a possibility if the cardiovert doesn't hold.

Drugs? - I'm taking Warfarin (Coumadin), Dixogin, Metoprolol, and Dronedarone

September 7, 2010 | Registered Commentergravitas et nugalis

Paul Maxim also clamoured for insight into the wife's artistic rectangular vision, but you ignore that...

September 7, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterthe wife

hey, when the wife learns how to download and process a picture, I'll be more than happy to let her have her very own "artistic rectangular vision".

September 7, 2010 | Registered Commentergravitas et nugalis

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