civilized ku # 663 ~ fried crap on a stick

Plants ~ George Eastman House / International Museum of Photography and Film - Rochester, NY • click to embiggen
Light glorifies everything. It transforms and ennobles the most commonplace and ordinary subjects. The object is nothing; light is everything. ~ Leonard Misonne
Light makes photography. Embrace light. Admire it. Love it. But above all, know light. Know it for all you are worth, and you will know the key to photography. ~ George Eastman
Think first about light. A photograph is only as good as the light you use. The subject is less important than the light that illuminates this subject. ~ some twit (who shall remain nameless) giving advice about "Fine Art Composition"
IMO, about the only thing right in the above statements is that of George Eastman when he stated that Light makes photography - but only if he meant that you need light to make a picture. Other than that light is just light. Period.
Especially wrong is the utter, complete, and pure unadulterated BS nonsensical notion that The subject is less important than the light / The object is nothing.
Reader Comments (3)
having been 3 feet from where you took this photo at that exact moment, I can see still the haze and heat of the 95° day that it was.
To quote you (date: photo subject: your words)
november 24, 2009: A suburban shopping mall at dusk: "Since I am not a light stalker / chaser, I usually only picture "the light" on those occasions when "the light" sneaks up on me and hits me in the eye like a big pizza pie."
April 16, 2010: a picture of a steam radiator: "With the arrival of Spring and with it some Springtime sunlight, I find that I have been chasing the light - or, more accurately, seeing the light - in some pretty out-of-the-way places."
I detect a buncha' bullshit on your part regarding light and subject matter.
In defence of "some twit" (Alain Briot, I suspect) the reference is to his style of pretty landscapes cum fine art.
In fact, his comment gives an insight to the mindset of the pretty picture crowd - the subject is a vehicle or starting point for the main game, which is pretty colours and light effects.
I'm more subject orientated, but I can see where he is coming from.