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« ku # 797 ~ water lily pond # 2 | Main | (ever so) civilized ku # 629-35 ~ night light »

civilized ku # 629-30 ~ hooray for Hollywood - lighting up the night

Hollywood theater ~ Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
Late last evening, around 10:30PM, the phone rang and voice said, "Mark, they turned on the marquee lights at the Hollywood Theater." This was big news inasmuch as 2 days ago there was no marquee at the Hollywood Theater.

So, camera in hand, off I went. As it turned out, there was/is some minor (they hope) wiring glitch that did not allow the word "Hollywood" on the front of the marquee to light up. However, I used the opportunity to make a few test images and, in the process, record the first lighting of the marquee.

It's well worth noting that the Hollywood Theater, which was not in use as a theater for the last 25-30 years, was purchased in 2007 by a now-local couple (with a 2 young kids). Despite their very modest means - he's a mailman / postal worker - and with a bit of grant money from our evil socialist commie-pinko freedom-killing government, they repaired and remodeled it into a 2-screen first-run movie theater. The marquee is the latest step in the renovation.

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