ku # 721 ~ an infinite number of views are possible

4 views of late Spring blossoms ~ in the Adirondack PARK - Au Sable Forks, NY • click to embiggen
Although in the popular mind the photograph serves as a surrogate slice of reality, the relationship between any subject and a photograph of that subject is highly unstable. Photographic codification invariably creates some degree of alteration, exaggeration, and/or ambiguity ...[S]uch reservations not withstanding, the camera that is equipped with color film represents the ultimate mimetic tool. Certainly no more efficient method of transcribing the world exists ... [Y]et of course photographs, despite their verisimilitude, are abstractions; their information is selective and incomplete ... even when the subject is represented by a multitude of views from various vantage points, through different lenses, types of films, and so forth ... such multiple presentations present only relative, fractional objectivity, for an infinite number of views are possible. ~ from the new color photography by Sally Eauclaire
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