civilized ku # 503-506 ~ fenced in

Red fence # 1 ~ In the Adirondack PARK - Au Sable Forks, NY • click to embiggen
Red fence # 2 • click to embiggen
Red fence # 3 • click to embiggen
Red fence # 4 • click to embiggenI have always liked the idea of a "torn world"...
...I felt that photography ought to start with and remain faithful to the appearance of the world, and in so doing record contradictions. The greatest pictures would then... find wholeness in the torn world. ~ Robert Adams
And not just as it applies to picture making, but rather as it applies to life. IMO, if you can't find meaning, happiness, or wholeness in a "torn world", you're not going to find it anywhere.
Reader Comments (2)
If finding meaning is what you're after in a meaningless world. Words have meanings whereas the world (torn or not) is above and beyond such trifles.
Is the World more torn after a view of mortality?