civilized ku # 497-500 ~ MIA?

My IV • click to embiggen
My POV ~ Echocardiogram • click to embiggenIt has been opined that I have gone missing in action due to engagement in a hockey brawl in Montreal.
In fact, 1 echocardiogram, 1 heart catheterization / coronary angiography, and 1 artial fibrillation diagnosis later (all unexpected), I am still here to tell you I was not involved in the hockey brawl. I did watch the hockey game that caused the brawl from the dis-comfort of my hospital bed and I am happy to report that neither the outcome of the game nor my heart skipping along at 120-150 BPM - or the combination thereof - killed me.
Reader Comments (14)
Sorry to hear about your need for various cardiac tests. Hope you are fit, well and ranting very soon.
Welcome to the (not very funny) little tricks that your body plays on you as you age...
Get well..
Also sorry to hear about your illness, my best to you and get well soon.
Gott sei Dank. Hoping all goes well.
alarmed and relieved in the same blog post. Whew.
Geez Mark this is a little scary to hear about. Do what you gotta do to keep yourself right okay? Yikes. We need you out here in photoland....
Wow, sorry to hear about this. Hope you are doing better. We're all look forward to you getting back to picture making and writing.
Sounds like you've recovered. Did the health mavens tell you what's up?
Trust you to sneak a camera into your sick bed (good pics,too). Get well.
If, in fact, you've been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation, welcome to the "club". While it can certainly be a pain in the butt, it can also be dealt with (most of the time). Did I read that right? Did they already do a catheter ablation procedure?
glad to see you still photographing (from the hospital bed)
best wishes
...while I wish the circumstances surrounding the post were different, I do dig the flow/perspective of this triptych...tells it all beautifully...get well Mark...
Sorry to hear about this. Get well soon.
Get well soon, Mark
Sorry to hear this. Get well soon. My mother is going through right now also. Been back and forth to the hospital the last couple of weeks.