ku # 709-10 ~ twigs and trash

River foam and froth ~ in the NE Adirondack PARK - Au Sable Forks, NY• click to embiggenIn response to yesterday's entry, civilized ku # 460, Tom Frost suggested:
Here's a survey you can host: pictures of twigs and trash. The only caveat is that they must be unique in point of view, content, or whatever parameter deemed significant. Pick a panel of experts or you be the arbiter.
By "survey", I assume that Tom means that I set up a gallery here on The Landscapist - not unlike the Kitchen Sink Project and the Wildness Close to Home galleries (see links in the right hand column). Those were 2 galleries that were set up to display the work of other picture makers made under the criteria as named in the gallery titles.
So, I have no issue with hosting a survey of pictures of twigs and trash. However, it requires the participation and efforts of The Landscapist audience - something that was sorely lacking in a recent suggestion for a car wash gallery project.
That lack of participation may have simply been the result of a lack of interest in the subject matter. Or, maybe it's just that nobody goes to a car wash anymore. Or, perhaps more to the point, most of The Landscapist audience is not all that inclined to partake in what amounts to camera-club assignments. I don't know the answer. All I know is that no one other than Don has pursued making car wash pictures.
Nevertheless, I'll ask the question .... any interest?
Reader Comments (8)
Count me in.
What about rakes and lawnmowers, from an operator's point of view?
As somebody who has been photographing (part of his own) trash for about 4 months now, you can kind of count me in.
Actually I would be interested in what others (especially more knowledgeable others, like the readers of this site) think about
A caveat: This is one third therapy, one third meditation on the huge masses of stuff we carry in and out of our houses, and one third practicing photography. And more or less unedited as of now.
/ralph -- I might even try out the twigs ;)
Sent you an email.
Ralph--your trash is very photogenic. And interesting. Thanks for sharing the link.
Well I must say I was disappointed with the lack of interest in the Car Wash Series but I still go on and plan to visit more washes.
Ok, count me in, I will get in on the trash and twigs.
I love twigs. Preparing a few tomorrow.
And there are always those of us who don't actually own a car. Anybody know of a "bike-wash"? (A "bicycle" wash, that is.) Otherwise, honest, I'd'a been there for Don.
OK, a bit late in on this one. Can't help with car washes, don't use one.
I've actually taken quite a few recently that include rubbish (trash as you N. Americans have it): quite a number of the Hyporeality series, too.
One thing I've noticed by including rubbish in Hyporeality, is how much it stands out even at that level of abstraction.