ku # 706 ~ simpleton is as simpleton does

Road cone and kudzu • click to embiggenIt's an irrefutable fact of life that, if someone doesn't see/get something, it doesn't exist. And, by oft-stated extension, those who do see/get it are derided by those who don't as effete, pointy headed, nonsensical, affected, and self-aggrandizing buffoons.
Some of you may have encountered this total abdication of critical thought. A good example might be like when the notion of Abstract Impressionism and Jackson Pollack, one of its most influential practitioners, arises ... say, as an example, in an attempt to get "some small shred of insight into 'Real Art'" ... the response is to label it all "a joke" and to reduce/label Pollock as nothing more than "Jack the Dripper".
To which, my response is most often to ask ... that's the best you can come up with? That's your idea of critical thought / art criticism? That's how you're attempting to get "some small shred of insight into 'Real Art'"?
You're joking, right?
Reader Comments (1)
Mark thanks for the inspiration, I just posted my Ode to Jackson Pollock