civilized ku # 465 ~ curious

USAF B47 ~ former PAB - Plattsburgh, NY • click to embiggenIndulge me with a few answers - how many pictures do you make in a week? Is your camera a constant companion or is it only a take-it-out-when-I'm-on-a picture-making-specific mission?
And, how many pictures (yours or of others), photography wise, do have on the walls of your abode?
FYI, this AM, after actually making a count, I was quite literally stunned to realize that we have 50 pictures (photography-wise) on our walls. And that's not counting college/coma girl's zillions of girlfriend pictures. Nor does the number include any family portraits, vacation snapshots, or the like. I only counted photo pictures that would be considered as, dare I say it, "art".
Reader Comments (6)
That's an interesting question.
I take a between 100-200 per day of shooting, and I shoot about once per week.
I used to carry a camera with me everywhere, but after a year of that I realized I just wasn't getting anything interesting between my house and my office building. Now, I only carry it when I'm out to photograph.
We only have six of my "art" photographs on the wall of our house. The main reason for the low number is the fact that I hate printing and mounting.
I only have 1 small photographic print on the walls of our house and it's one of yours.
I don't carry the camera everywhere I go. I've tried, and it doesn't seem to work for me. Sometimes I wonder if a more compact camera would make a difference (m4/3), but that seems like a stupid idea. I usually have a topic in mind when I work and can shoot 100 to 200 frames on some fairly narrow ideas. Currently I have 4 fully framed photos on display plus 5 work prints posted on a board I've set up for that purpose. I'm real close to upgrading my printing solution and have a project and timeframe in mind which means I have to move on the printer decision. Oh, and I'm currently way underwater with a catalog of stuff to process. I almost feel like I should process before I shoot anymore, or just toss everything I have and reshoot.
Twenty-eight photos on the walls, nine of those are tryptics. Ten are my own. I travel with a camera 75% of the time and shoot about 80-100 frames a week.
There are about 30 framed photographs on our walls. (half are mine, half from others) 10 of the frames I change the images quite regularly.
I usually have my camera with me 75% of the time. The number of images varies, but normally I shoot around 100 pre week.
I take my camera (point-and-shoot) on group activities - bushwalking or some other social outing. This means once / twice on the week-end. Perhaps 10 to 30 photos per outing.
Perhaps once a month I take a camera to photograph something specific - it caught my eye previously (when I didn't have the camera on me). I've missed some good shots, but a photograph in the mind is almost as good as one on paper ;-).
So, not a lot of photographs, but I try for quality over quantity! I started photography many years ago with an SLR and slide film.
Only two framed photos on the wall + two dozen postcard size photos dotted around the living room (friends + family).