ku # 675 ~ yikes

Nature is chaotic / Ice break up ~ in the Adirondack PARK - Au Sable Forks, NY • click to embiggenAs mentioned, we've had no appreciable snowfall since December. It's been cold with the exception of one 3-4 period in mid-January when it rained and rained and rained and temps reached as high as 50˚F.
During that period there was a significant ice breakup on the rivers which caused some flooding and quite a number of ice jams. However, unlike Spring melts/breakups, during which the ice continues to melt/break up until its gone, after the January event, we returned to steady cold / below freezing temps, so the ice jams have stayed in place and most of the rivers have re-frozen.
What this means is that when the real Spring thaw happens we're going to be in deep shit, or, if you prefer, deep water that comes from massive ice jams. It should be interesting because the existing ice jams are kinda frozen in place as truly gigantic ice fields that won't be so easily broken up.
It's gonna be fun.
Reader Comments (1)
I noticed that down here in our area also, should make for some spectacular images but also disaster for those living along the banks.