life in pictures # 7 ~ 1 + 1 = 10

Sonia Rykeil ~ Bell Centre - Montreal, CA • click to embiggen
RAW ingredients ~ Montreal, CA • click to embiggenA few days ago on the FYI entry, the wife confessed to an act of horrendous proportions - she wrote, "the best life in pictures photo EVER did not happen because I did not want to miss the pre-game skate on Saturday."
In fact, the real reason that she/we almost missed the pre-game skate on Saturday was because, a few weeks ago, she had misread the game starting time on our tickets. Seeing the number 2010 on the tickets, she thought that, instead of denoting the year in which the game started, the number 2010 denoted the time that game started - 8:10PM. She accomplished this incredulous, and nearly disasterous, feat by ignoring the number 1400, the actual time (aka, 2PM) that game started.
Fortunately, the error was discovered early enough on Saturday morning - as opposed to discovering it in a cab on the way to the Bell Centre at, say, 1700hrs (right about the time the game ended) - that we were able to make it to Montreal and the game on time, albeit a bit rushed.
Consequently, on the way to the Bell Centre (less than a block away), when I saw a great life in pictures picture making opportunity (the fashion banner), I was informed by the wife that there was no time to wait for the next band-o'-passersby (hockey fans headed to the arena) to appear. So, just for the hell of it, I made a picture of the banner and kept on moving.
As we arrived at the Bell Centre, I noticed what could have been another opportunity but I did not have any WA lens at hand that would allow me to picture the complete hockey-guy banner that was hanging on the building. So, just for the hell of it, I made a picture of that banner scene and kept on moving.
Fast forward to this AM and, after looking at the shattered picturing remains of the wife's numeric screw up, I was determined that I would not let her brazen and brash forget-about-picturing-and-get-me-to-the-game-on-time hustle stop the making of great Art.
Hey. Where there's a will (and Photoshop), there's a way.
Reader Comments (1)
Mark, a sidebar question about your m4/3 system. Do you use any filters on your pancake lenses and if so, have you noticed any stray reflections off the glass? Your shots look real clean. I ordered an EP-1 today and found a 20mm Panasonic someone took out of a GF-1 kit. Looking forward to this new camera.