civilized ku # 788 ~ may I quote you on that?
Way back in 1159 it was noted that Bernard of Chartres used to say that ...
... we are like dwarfs on the shoulders of giants, so that we can see more than they, and things at a greater distance, not by virtue of any sharpness of sight on our part, or any physical distinction, but because we are carried high and raised up by their giant size.
In the not so distant past, "chuck" asked:
Do YOU actually have anything new to say? do you just quote people who really broke ground?
And, it should also be noted that quite recently Sven W stated:
You've quoted a few times from Robert Adams which has prompted me to buy his book "Beauty in Photography.
Not that I need to explain myself, quote wise, because, after all, it's my blog and I can damn well do whatever I please and "chuck" and others like him (anonymous / spineless internet flamers) can either take it or leave it. However, that said, let me make things clear regarding my quote quotient ...
I enjoy reading about the medium of photography because, as noted previously, I believe that one of the best routes to take in pursuit of understanding the medium, its limits and possibilities, and adopting / adapting the same into your own picture making is by considering the ideas found in words without pictures. And, in many cases, considering the words of picture makers who, as "chuck" phrased it, "really broke ground".
During the pursuit of that reading pleasure, I always come across quite a number of quote-worthy expressions from the pens and minds of many of the medium's greats, both past and present. After years of discovering and harvesting these little gems, I have yet to be bored or find it a waste of time. In fact, I never fail to find this pursuit less than informative, at times challenging, and very often inspiring.
So, in an attempt to share what I have "discovered", I often sprinkle entries here on The Landscapist with quotes. The idea / motivation behind this proclivity is to incite both thought and perhaps discussion about the ideas expressed in the quotes - all in the name of standing on the shoulder of giants.
Reader Comments (2)
As the old saying goes, "Fuck 'em if they can't take a quote".