civilized ku # 358-60 ~ FREE POD PHOTO BOOK

Things near the end of their useful life • click to embiggenI have until the end of the day Sunday (24 Jan.) to submit 3 names (with email addresses) to Shutterfly. By doing so, those individuals will be able to create and receive a FREE 20 page, 8×8 POD photo book (with photo hard cover) - no strings attached, no obligations, no purchase necessary.
The only qualification is that the individuals be NEW Shutterfly customers.
This is a great opportunity to give making a photo book a try if you haven't already had the pleasure. In an effort to advance the cause of making POD photo books, I will make myself available - via email or phone (your dime, please) to assist those 3 individuals in creating their books - free advice and expertise on anything and/or everything they need to know in order to create a really nice book - image prep and submission, page design and layout, etc.
Feel free to ask any questions, re: this offer. I have only one - what the hell are you waiting for?
Reader Comments (5)
Doh! I joined Shutterfly a few weeks ago, so that counts me out. Eagerly awaiting my first batch of prints from them. :-)
I've been thinking about creating a photobook with monochrome portraiture and urban shots for some time now. If you think that the work at my site looks remotely worth a book, I'm all in :)
i've got about 20-22 images that i would love to make into a book
What's the criteria you're looking at Mark? Do you want to see images online and make a judgment, or simply put all names into a hat?
So Amazon is evil, but Shutterfly is OK?