civilized ku # 350-55 ~ what a difference a day makes

Dirty crappy snow • click to embiggen
Fresh snow on yard junk • click to embiggen
Fresh snow • click to embiggenYesterday, while running some errands my intent was to make a couple pictures that illustrated the really crappy winter that we have been experiencing. Really crappy, as in very little snow. Cold we got. Snow, not so much.
Really crappy winters have been rather frequent of late. I can't remember when we last had a decent N'or Easter or a sustained snowfall of any real consequence. What we've getting, winter-wise, over the past few years is light snowfall - around these parts, "light" means 6-8 inches - followed by weeks of grey days, at or just above 32˚F, during which time the snow slowly melts and it gets covered with dirt and grime. Ugly, ugly, ugly - both visually and emotionally.
But, here's the weird thing about that, If I've heard it once, I've heard it a hundred times a day around here - "it" being how much people hate / are sick of winter. "It" most often comes in the form of a question like, "are you sick of winter yet?", to which I always respond, "Yes, I'm sick of this shit. What I'd really like is a foot or more of snow fall everyday." To which the response is almost always a non-verbal look at me like I have lobsters crawling out of my ears.
Apparently, a real winter with lots of snow is a scary idea for them. Something that I find rather odd because I have to wonder what the hell it is they expect, winter-wise, in our neck of the woods?
In any event, less than 24 hours after my dirty crappy snow picturing excursion I was able to make some pictures of fresh clean snow. That said, it'll be dirty crappy snow in a few days because, surprise surprise (not), it's 33˚F outside and I can hear melting snow dripping from the house roof onto the tin roof of our porch.
Reader Comments (3)
Yes it is nice to see some snow,I am about 100 miles south of you and we had snow yesterday and today, just enough each time to cover where the dogs have been.
Without relinquishing my god-given right to complain about winter's miseries, I agree that anyone who lives where you do really ought to keep their mouth shut. As you say, "what the hell do they expect?"
I also agree with Don. When we had a dog (years ago), the snow made great cover for all the doggy ka-ka in the backyard. I guess even snow isn't totally useless.
These images are very dreary.
Eventhough I don't expect much out of winter in the St. Louis area, we have been dealing with almost steady temps in the mid 30's and 40's for nearly ten days now....with fog. My mood is as thick as the damn air.