FYI ~ some more recommendations

from - Original Refrigerator Art
Ann Mitchell ~ American Triptych project
Ann Mitchell ~ American Triptych project
Ann Mitchell ~ American Triptych project
Ann Mitchell ~ American Triptych projectOver the past few days, 2 picture makers have come to my attention - Ann Mitchell via an email submission, and, the 2nd picture maker who has a number of blogs - none of which identify him by name, all of which give ample evidence of his very fine picture making abilities.
Ann Mitchell, whose work has appeared in LensWork and View Camera (amongst others), is a picture maker after my own heart. She works with vintage cameras (as she states, "for their unique visual voice"), alternative materials - in the case of her American Triptych project, Polaroid Type 55, and, quite obviously, she creates triptychs. Hey, IMO, what's not to like?
The fact that her pictures are drop-dead beautiful only adds to the aforementioned MO. And, in her words, while her picture making referents "may shift as I work, there is a common set of interests at the core of each series. Central to all is my interest in our use of the land and the structures we create."
You can (and should) see more of her work HERE.
Nameless picture maker # 2 - who I suspect is pictured here because the shadow of the picture maker seen here has the same rather hirsute features as the subject in the preceding picture - certainly must have a name, but I can't find it. What I can find are a lot of his interesting pictures, here, here, and here.
The only things I know about him and his picture making are (in his words): a. "Having worked almost exclusively in conventional black & white photography for forty years, the advent of digital photography and the virtual darkroom (e.g., Photoshop) has provided me with so many new avenues for expression, with color being chief among them,"; b. that at least some of his pictures "were made with Pentax K10D camera and 21mm moderate wide-angle lens, and fifty years of practice."; and, that he thinks that "if I knew what I was doing, this would be so much nicer" (although I am not certain what the word "this" refers to).
In any event, his pictures are what matters and, on that score, he is batting .999 or better. IMO, his use of color is on the "real" side of the picturing making equation. His eye is honest and direct. And, his presentation is consistent and gives his pictures a unified body of work look and feel.
IMO, there is much to be seen in and much to be learned about good/great picture making from spending some time with the work of both of these very fine picture makers.

Featured Comment: Martin Doonan wrote: "The second photographer, of Original Refrigerator Art, is called Tyler Monson (I hope he doesn't mind being exposed). I've been following his stuff for some time."
my response: Martin, thanks for that outing.
FYI, I seem to remember getting a picture, via email, in the not too distant past of a photographer making a picture of himself as reflected in a window. I'm thinking now, if my memory is correct, that it might have come from Mr. Monson.
Maybe he'll get wind of this entry - I left him an invitation - and stop by to say "hello" or "fuck off" or something.
Reader Comments (4)
The second photographer, of Original Refrigerator Art, is called Tyler Monson (I hope he doesn't mind being exposed). I've been following his stuff for some time.
I believe that you are correct, sir.
the January 15 entry is being delayed due to a long to-do list which Gravitas has promised to do "tomorrow." Happily for me, tomorrow has finally arrived.
Mark, many thanks for bringing these to our attention. I liked them both, but Original Refridgerator Art in particular really grabbed me.