tuscany # 1 ~ so many pictures, so little time

Pizza e Bottega ~ Greve / Chianti Region, Italy • click to embiggen2,446 pictures later, I'm back in the US of A. A good time was had by all - except by my brother on those occasions when he kept yelling from the back seat, "Sloooooow down."
In fact, I had such a good time that I'm thinking of moving to Italy and becoming a pizza delivery guy. Or, failing in that endeavor, maybe I'll become a Cardinal or an Archbishop - they seem to have it pretty cushy. What the hell, Pope Pius II didn't even become a priest until he was 42 and look how fast he went up the ladder.
In any event, while I consider my opinions, I'll be posting about a zillion pictures from Tuscany and a few from Paris. Stay tuned.
Reader Comments (2)
I look forward to seeing your handiwork.
I recently came back from South America, which a much more conservative 700 images. It took many hours to edit the pictures and put them up on the web. Stay focussed!
Welcome back, I can't wait to see the images and read the little tidbits.