(guest entry) a very disheveled landscapist

dad #1 © the cinemascapist • click to embiggen
The landscapist (aka the old man, aka gravitas et nugalis) pictured for inclusion in my "dreams of end days" series that is currently in progress.
Reader Comments (4)
Fantastically unsettling images via your link. I will never think of Mark in quite the same way again! Oh no he's coming to get me, ha.
In fact, is he really swimming the North Atlantic to come and get me in England?
I love how your work leaves plenty of room for the viewers imagination.
Many thanks
Where do you find those wonderfully decrepit locations? Flaking paint, broken walls, spalding concrete. Location is everything.
Read "spalling" - been in the construction business too long -- English is going to pot. (hmmmm)
haha! @ tracey: according to "the wife" after viewing this image, she said that is what Mark normally looks like.
@ Mike: the 6 million acre Adirondacks are full of decrepit locations...actually what part of the world doesn't?
location, extreme light, and my mood are my top 3 requirements for shooting.