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« man & nature # 194-195 ~ I survived and Hugo tries to grasp a new concept | Main | man & nature # 191 ~ pictures (aka, signs) of signs that are about signs and "signs" »

man & nature # 192-193 ~ the last day of Rachael Ray

Relaxing and living largeclick to embiggen
Today was the last Rachael Ray Show shoot and amazingly enough we had Summer today as well. At least what has been passing for Summer - it didn't rain all day like it did yesterday and the temperature shot all the way up to the mid 70s. Not exactly what we normally have for August. And guess what? Tomorrow, rain.

In any event, in another couple hours - around 1AM - I'm off to the Jersey Shore for 4 days. The wife and Hugo got there on Saturday, so it's solo run through the night - the only way to fly on the Jersey Turnpike and Parkway.

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