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« civilized ku # 201 ~ just thinking out loud (again) | Main | civilized ku # 199 ~ documenting the face of America »

civilized ku # 200 ~ Andreas, this one's for you

Shore bikesclick to embiggen
Single-speed, balloon-tire, and colorful bikes are all over the place in Stone Harbor, NJ.

The bikes are rentals and each bike is numbered. The number is very important because there are only a limited number of colors and no one uses a bike lock. So, if you want to be able to pick your bike out of a crowd, you had better remember the number.

Reader Comments (1)

You can get a lock when you rent the bike - they all have the same combination, which is the last 4 digits of the shop's phone number, which is on a sticker on the bike.

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterthe wife

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