man & nature # 175 ~ tweet up & meet up

Mirror Lake in Lake Placid from the deck of the High Peaks Resort • click to embiggenYesterday, just 20 minutes before it was about to start, I came across a notice for The Great Adirondack Tweet Up & Meet Up - a gathering of Adirondack tweeters and bloggers from around the high peaks region. So I immediately got in the car and went into Lake Placid.
I didn't know what to expect but as it turned out I'm happy I went - met a few new folks and had a few comp beers and fancy appetizers. No great shakes but fun nevertheless.
Reader Comments (1)
Mark - thanks for coming out to the event last night. I was not familiar with your photography or your blog prior to meeting you but I'm very glad I'm now familiar with both. A good time last night to meet others passionate about the Adirondacks and sharing that passion through social media. A fabulous shot off the deck at Reflections I might add too! - Bill