civilized ku # 171 ~ reverse logic

Just in case the devil comes a-calling ~ Upper Jay, NY • click to embiggenSince moving to a small village in the Adirondack Park (the largest wilderness in the eastern US of A), I have become quite enamored with/of small-town living. One characteristic which is really nice is the idiots-have-no-place-to-hide aspect of a small community. It's not that there are no idiots here about, it's just that, for the most part, they keep their various idiosyncratic ideas and related actions to themselves.
That said, a few wack-jobs do manage to rise to the fore - we have one bona-fide / certified black helicopters are coming to take us away today conspiracy nut on our local town board. Although, it must be said that he's a really amiable fellow - I buy all my rustic cedar building materials from him at his small one-man lumber mill on the edge of town. And, unless you bring it up, big bad government is never the topic of conversation.
I mention all this because oft times great amusement can be had by reading the Letters to the Editor section of our local/regional newspaper. Although, once again, it must be said that opinions from the fringe element tend to be mostly rather "civilized". However, recently said newspaper has re-instated a Speakout feature wherein writers can write and be published anonymously. Needless to say, this has resulted in some real gems.
Case in point - I have mentioned that this Spring has been uncommonly and consistently windy - blow down trees windy, not, gentle Spring-breeze windy. That fact was no doubt the genesis of this gem:
Has anyone noticed how windy it has been lately? I think it has to do with those windmills. Perhaps they were wired incorrectly so instead of using wind to produce electricity, they are using electricity to produce wind. This should be investigated ASAP.
Just thought I would pass this along for your thoughtful consideration.

On a different but nevertheless somewhat related note, this little gem has come to my attention.
Reader Comments (4)
They walk amongst us and they breed.
A pretty clever explanation for all that wind, actually. Yankety yank...
I heard somewhere that to cover Paris's electrical needs 30,000 windmills would be required (can anyone confirm this?). Imagine twice that number for NYC. Where to put the damned things?
Whenever I read something like that, my first thought is that it's made up, that it's a joke. Nobody could be that dumb, right? Then I remember: we're talking about humans here. There are no limits to how dumb we can be. We all act stupidly from time to time. But for many people, it's a chronic illness (with no cure).
Some of my favorite quotes on "stupidity":
"If stupidity got us into this mess, then why can't it get us out?" (Will Rogers)
"Just think how stupid the average person is, and then realize that half of them are even stupider!" (George Carlin)
"Most people would die sooner than think; in fact, they do." (Bertrand Russell)
"If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions?"
(Scott Adams)
That last one is for all those who have had to sit through a meeting or seminar or whatever and heard some pious moderator declare that there is no such thing as a "stupid question".