man & nature # 163 ~ the last of dancing and singing, singing and dancing

Any beer port in a storm • click to embiggenCome rain or come shine, the American Legion, Medos A. Nelson Post 504, Au Sable Forks, NY (just around the corner from my house) is always open for those in need of a bit of relief.
The wife has even gone so far as to suggest that I join the post and campaign for election to the position of Post Commander. After which, my regime would mandate good beer and much younger (and comely) barmaids. Although, that's not where her interests lie - she wants to join the American Legion (women's) Auxiliary so she can get one of those snazzy hats and march in the local Labor Day parade.
That said, with all due respect I must say that the legion post and its members are a valuable community resource and a center for many charitable and social events. Such is the beautiful stuff of everyday life in a small town - bad beer and all.
And, while we're at it, anyone want to debate the concept of "good" and "bad" beer?
Reader Comments (5)
Well when I was a teen I loved Bud, then I moved on to Molson, now that I am older I like Sam Adams and Saranac. We have a micro brewery near us and to me all of their beer taste like mold.
That's an easy one:
Bad beer - yellow, fizzy, ice cold.
Good beer - dark, flat, cellar temperature.
My favourite tipple is an ale rather than beer. Theakston Old Peculiar.
hope adding links is okay
Good beer tastes more like beer than water.
Good beer was brewed by someone more interested in taste than mass quantities and profits.
Belgian ales are my favorite. If it comes in a wine-sized glass bottle with a cork and a picture of a monk on the front, I'm happy.
"Life is too short to drink bad beer. You only have one liver. Use it wisely." -St. Arnold's brewmaster.
What Martin said.
Although I also enjoy a good weisbier too, good and yeasty... black, white, black, white... hold the yellow.