(mostly) ku # 588/89/90 ~ Spring has sprung

Adirondack pine barrens • click to embiggenNow for something completely different - an Adirondack pine barren.
Just a few miles north of Au Sable Forks is the Clintonville Pine Barrens - a sand delta deposited 12,000 years ago by glacial melt water. In fact, the area pictured here is not actually in the designated pine barrens but they are situated just outside the boundary of it. That's why there is evidence of humankind - quad-runner tracks - in the center picture.
The Clintonville Pine Barrens, a 900 acre preserve, is administered by the Adirondack Chapter of The Nature Conservancy and the Adirondack Land Trust. It is open to the public for hiking, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, and nature study.
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