ku # 567/68 ~ you got eyes

Lichen • click to embiggenIf I were the king of photo education curricula for the entire world, every student and teacher would have to write a 1000 word essay - the former as their entrance exam, the latter as their job application - on this little bit of wisdom:
Anybody doesn’t like these pitchers don’t like poetry, see? Anybody don’t like poetry go home see television shots of big hatted cowboys being tolerated by kind horses. Robert Frank, Swiss, unobtrusive, nice, with that little camera that he raises and snaps with one hand he sucked a sad poem right out of America onto film, taking rank among the poets of the world. To Robert Frank I now give this message: You got eyes. - Jack Kerouac
Everything, good and bad, there is to know about the medium is contained in that short and sweet missive.
Reader Comments (2)
A report of a recent on-stage interview of Frank is in two parts here and here. Includes his favorite photograph.
So, is there a college or junior college in your neck of the woods where you could actually do this Mark? I think your point of view about all things photographic would compliment the technical stuff they teach in classes very nicely. Nothing like a nice balanced education and I'd bet there would be a few less robotic photographers out there after going through your program.