man & nature # 126 ~ Spring has sprung # 11

Parking lot landscaping • click to embiggenFrom the same source as mentioned in the preceding entry, comes an interesting - in my mind - notion about the classic "dualism that haunts photography" (objective truth v. subjective experience):
This vexed and often tedious argument about something called the photographic medium is now being cast as a debate between photography and the digital image. In this new opposition, what were formerly two broad and often contradictory ways of understanding photographs themselves have been parted. One view, the realist, stays attached (in a less subtle but newly zealous form) to photography; the other, what could be called the constructivist position, has been transferred to the digital.
The author, Martin Lister, goes on to develop this "opposition" with some interesting observations and ideas. More goofy inconsistent assertions on this later.
Reader Comments (3)
Photographs or images, aren't they still pictures?
Don - I tend to agree. They are all pictures.
It's not dualism,they are just ends of a continuous spectrum.