ku # 557 ~ and they taste good too

Where we get our beef • click to embiggenThis past weekend was delightful. On Saturday it was shirtsleeve weather and Hugo and I got out and about to do a picture project - Things That Emerge From Under the Snow.
The idea was inspired by Saturday's Coming to the surface picture which was made Saturday morning as a one-off picture. However, after processing it, I realized that with a spring-like melt going on there was probably a lot of stuff coming to the surface. So, off we went and in the span of about 2 hours we found a veritable gold mine of things that were coming to (or at) the surface.
It occurred to me as I was picturing away that I was accomplishing exactly what you are not suppose to do for the SoFoBoMo project - I was making enough pictures in an afternoon to make a photo book.
And here's the thing about that - it sure seemed on Saturday that picturing things that were coming to surface was going to be limited to an afternoon. The snow was disappearing fast and later that day, and all through the night, it rained steadily. By Sunday morning, virtually all the snow was gone except for those gargantuan piles of plowed snow.
The point of the matter is that given a little inspiration and a window of opportunity it really doesn't take very long - an afternoon will do - to create an interesting (IMO) mini-body of work that is photo book worthy. It made me think that it would fun to organize a SoFoBoDa project.
In any event, I am currently processing about 20-25 pictures of things coming to (or at) the surface. I start posting them tomorrow. That said, as I sit here at my computer we're getting about 5" of new snow ....
FYI, on Sunday we took Hugo up to the farm for a barnyard stroll and to pick up a 1/4 of a cow - a portion of which we had for Sunday dinner.
Reader Comments (4)
You know the child is a true "imagining himself in the game" diehard, when he told us, after examining the colored tags with numbers which the cattle had punched in their ears, what color tag and what number he would want to be if he were one of those cows.
Not really sure what you mean by It occurred to me as I was picturing away that I was accomplishing exactly what you are not suppose to do for the SoFoBoMo project - I was making enough pictures in an afternoon to make a photo book.
Plenty of people did their book in a day. A few people did it in an hour. Here you are just making up non-existent 'rules'. There's no real requirement other than you do the whole thing within a month - some people ignored that too and still submitted their finished results.
e.g., Paul Lester's book 'one' that he shot in an hour and assembled in about an other hour.
actually, thinking about it, what you describe is exactly what you are supposed to do for a SoFoBoMo project. Just get on with it. Don't over think it. That was pretty much the original idea.