man & nature # 107 ~ actually man's best friend & nature

Formerly frozen dog crap • click to embiggenAs long as we're considering dogs of one kind or another (see the following entry), this Things That Emerge From Under the Snow picture seemed rather appropriate.

Featured Comment: Jack Nelson asked: "Are you starting a "Little Murders" series?"
my response: Unlike the character of Alfred Chamberlain from Little Murders, I would not have to roam the streets and parks of NYC to find piles of dog crap. When the snow melts, one of the "Rites of Spring" that we have is to rake up the 10 zillions piles of "unprocessed (read conserved) dog shit" (as labeled by Mike Odonoghue that have been deposited in our back over the Winter by our 2 best friends.
But, the answer to your question is, "No."
Reader Comments (4)
Are you starting a "Little Murders" series?
Elliot Gould with his Nikon! Remember it. We also have this problem in Korneuburg. Mounds of snow give way to all the unprocessed (read conserved) dog shit along the sidewalks. Makes me wish I could call open season on dog owners who don't pick up their pets' crap. Remember: this stuff breaks down, is turned to dust and on a windy day we end up breathing it!
Didn't you pay a kid to do clean up last spring?
whoops! that last post was from the wife, who is snooping in gravitas' office.