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« ku # 553 ~ truth or consequences | Main | man & nature # 98 ~ stuff & guilt and getting to know someone through their pictures »

civilized ku # 157 ~ mission accomplished

Coma girl brushes her teethclick to embiggen
I know that many of you probably couldn't sleep at night, paralyzed with fear and foreboding about the fate of our bathroom. Well, tonight you can sleep like a baby because we're all systems go.

True enough, there is still a lot of finishing to do - the flooring won't be delivered for 2 weeks or so, there's a bit of plaster repair, trim work, and painting to be done, but we no longer have a pot to piss in. Considering that there is all new plumbing and electric to the basement, new subflooring down to the floor joists, as well as all new fixtures and cabinets I'd say we did OK for 3 1/2 days of work.

Our guests - the first 9 of them - will be arriving within the hour and all is right with the world.

Reader Comments (7)

Good. I was having nightmares about that f**king b**ket!

February 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMary Dennis

Coma girl! I like that. I had daughters too and they sure could sleep. The older one has three boys of her own now, all under the age of 5. Ha! I guess it is rest while you can.

This is going to make me sound a lot older than I am but I've lived in houses without indoor plumbing, and I can say for certain that having a pot to piss in in the middle of the night in the winter sure beats shlepping out to the outhouse.

February 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMark M

Mark - we can sorta laugh about it now, but this is where the name "coma girl" comes from

February 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commentergravitas et nugalis

If I did that to my daughter she would make me eat my camera.

February 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDon

Having spent five days in the hospital with viral meningitis (it was the Coxsackie virus, btw), I can sympathize with your family's story. Took me another few months to learn how to talk and write normally again.

February 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMatt

it almost feels like the twin of this shot

February 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGordon McGregor

Mark, I'm very sorry if it is still tender ground. I am pleased that there was a positive outcome.

But again, and unfortunately, I've been there too. While my older daughter has 3 kids and is doing well, what I didn't say is that my younger daughter died of cancer this past August. She had two major surgeries, several minor ones, some serious radiation, and three rounds of chemo. She died almost exactly 2 years after diagnosis at the age of 29.

I hesitated to put this out there. But the truth is what it is. I'm glad you still have coma girl and that I still have one of mine.

Nice photos by the way.

February 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMark Muse

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