civilized ku # 256-59 ~ fade to night

Church dome ~ Montreal, CA • click to embiggen
Port park building ~ Montreal, CA • click to embiggen
Marina + lighthouse ~ Montreal, CA • click to embiggen
Rue St. Paul church ~ Montreal, CA • click to embiggenWhile the wife and I continued our late day walk (see civilized ku # 240-45), the daylight gradually faded into night. And, as Tracey commented on yesterday's entry, Mixtures of natural and man made light really do catch my attention.
As previously mentioned many times, my favorite time of day for making mixed-light pictures is that time after the sun has set but before the night takes over. The time of day that the French all entre chien et loup - between the dog and the wolf. If I were to become a "light stalker" or to start "chasing the light", the light of entre chien et loup would be "the light" for me.

Featured Comment: Andre Moreau wrote: You bring a whole new "light" on some of the familiar places of the "Vieux Montreal"
my response: Andre also gave names (and links) to the lighthouse - the Montreal Clock Tower - and to the Rue St. Paul Church - Notre Dame de Bon Secour Chapel - and I thank him for that info.
While exploring the Notre Dame de Bon Secour Chapel link, I discovered a 360˚ virtual tour of the amazing Chapel interior. The wife and I - in our sometimes role as ugly-american tourists - have walked past this chapel many times never realizing the incredible treat that lies within. It goes without saying that, next trip to Montreal, it will be at the top of our must-see list.
Much thanks, Andre.
Reader Comments (1)
You bring a whole new "light" on some of the familiar places of the "Vieux Montréal"
I especially like the pictures of the Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours Chapel and that of the Clock Tower. I've visited many times these places and have to say that you've captured the essence of these monuments.
Montreal Clock Tower
Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours Chapel 360˚ virtual tour