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« civilized ku # 250-53 ~ grey day vibrancy | Main | civilized ku # 240-45 ~ Light after the rain »

civilized ku # 246-49 ~ Art in Montreal

Artist's paints and stuffclick to embiggen

Toast mapclick to embiggen
Hair drying + cowsclick to embiggen
Golf bookclick to embiggen
Montreal's old city district, where we always stay while in Montreal, is home to quite a few Art galleries. The offerings run a quite varied gamut of media, techniques, and tastes. Here a few that I thought would appeal to the discriminating connoisseurs in the crowd (l-r) -

1.) A map of the world made out of stale bread. I believe that the map is burned onto the bread with a small blow-torch. If you have to ask, you probably can't afford it.

2.) A bronze beauty drying her hair - the bronze beauty is actually quite beautifully distorted. And, don't ignore the cow painting in the background - 3 cows on a white field, approx. 5×8 feet. If you have to ask, you probably can't afford either of them.

3.) My personal favorite - a book of golf courses (primarily European) pictures. Opened, a spread is approx. 2.5 × 5 feet. The book is quite thick and comes not only with a slipcase but also the viewing stand pictured here. If you have to ask, you probably can't afford it - $10,800 CAN per copy.

Reader Comments (1)

I asked myself "How can the hair drying sculpture be so wrong but look so right"

My answer "3 different perspectives seen from 1."

November 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJimmi Nuffin

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