civilized ku # 272 ~ so little time

Architectural oddity ~ NYS Rt. 28 - Adirondacks / Otter Lake, NY • click to embiggenIn a comment made by Joe Reifer on civilized ku # 264-67 ~ my Friday night room, Joe suggested that "50/60's motels in the Adirondack region would make an interesting larger project."
I agree. Especially so since so many of those motels have rather interesting neon signs. But ... for me, at this particular time, it's a matter of so many possibilities, so little time.
However, when I do get around to such a project, it will not be limited to 50/60's motels. As the picture with this entry illustrates, the Adirondacks are filled with lots of 50/60's architectural gems / oddities. Some are still in use, others are not.
The building pictured above has special meaning for me because, as a kid in the 50s, it signaled to me that our seemingly endless car ride to our Summer destination - Inlet, NY - was almost over. I don't remember what the building's purpose was but I think it was some sort of tourist souvenir shop or, quite possibly, a restaurant. It would be easy enough to find out.
In any event, a 50/60's architectural project should be undertaken sooner rather than later since many of these places are either crumbling into dust or being renovated.
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