man & nature # 267-70 ~ roadside attractions

Aluminum storm door on weathered structure • click to embiggen
Deer boar hunts / ostrich/emu farm ~ Adirondacks - Otter Lake, NY • click to embiggenEven though my weekend roadtrip picturing objective was Taughannock Falls, I certainly knew that I would make as many other pictures as possibilities presented themselves along the way. As it turned out, I took advantage of those possibilities only between the hours of 7:30AM - 3:30PM on Saturday. My intention was to not only picture my way to Rochester on Saturday but to then picture my way back from there to Au Sable Forks on Sunday.
There was no picture making on Sunday due to a long lunch with Paul Maxim and, consequently, a late start back to Au Sable Forks. On the ride back I was thinking about my Saturday picture making and, for some reason, my conclusion was that I had not made all that many pictures. However, after transferring my picture files from Saturday to the digital darkroom and starting my initial processing, I ended up with about 70 pictures worth processing.
Many of these pictures, in fact, most of these pictures ended up as triptych presentations. With the exception of the triptych found in the ku # 645-49 entry, none of the eventual groupings were intentionally created.
This is nothing new for me. I tend by nature to explore a given referent from differing POVs, not so much to find the "right" POV but rather to tell a more complete story about the subject at hand. Inevitably, this picturing MO ends up leading to, at the processing stage of things, the unintentional creation of diptychs and triptychs.
So, stayed tuned, there a quite a few more Saturday, November 14th triptychs to come. And, within a week or so, I'll be putting on offer a Saturday, November 14th POD book with an accompanying 15 print folio.
Reader Comments (2)
Um, I think those are emus. Nice shots, though.
Stephen - yes, those are emu. I also have pictures from this location of some ostrich as well. The place raises ostrich for restaurants - I'm so sure what the emu are for.