not tuscany # 1-3 ~ you do what you gotta do

The Sagamore ~ Lake George / Adirondacks, NY • click to embiggenOver the past few weeks The Landscapist has been something of a travel picture log / blog of sorts. While much of the commentary has been descriptive of my travels, I hope that the pictures have given you an example of a different way of looking at things - that there is in fact still an emphasis on the medium of photography in pictures, if not in words.
The pictures posted here are of this past weekend which was spent at a rather upscale resort, The Sagamore, on Lake George here in the Adirondacks. The place is not really my cup of tea but the wife had a conference there so I tagged along for some great golf and what turned out to be my discovery that autumn color had arrived.
FYI, the place was crawling with downstate, re: NYC, lawyers.
Reader Comments (2)
I clicked on the link that sent me to the Sagamore…
totally Gravitas' kind of place, don't you think?