
Milano North ~ Lake Placid, NY • click to embiggenTuesday was our anniversary and neither the wife nor I actually remembered until late in the day - the wife on her way home from dinner with the girls.
Early yesterday afternoon, the Cinemascapist called to ask if I wanted to do a food shoot later that afternoon for one of his freelance clients (for which he would pay me out of his fees). I said, "sure", and that was that.
He called a little later to say that he had told the client that I would be doing the shoot and that client said, "OK", and that a dinner and drinks for me and the wife was his treat. That sounded great because I wasn't going to let the Cinemascapist pay me out of his pocket and I could use the offer to fulfill my anniversary obligations at some point in the near future.
As I was preparing to leave for the shoot, the wife called to say that she was on her way home early from a nearby meeting and to give me time to get any strumpets out of the house before she arrived. Long story short, she accompanied me to the shoot and we had a lovely anniversary dinner.
FYI, the accompanying pictures are not what we had for dinner - they are the pictures I made for the restaurant for use on a regional dining guide cover.
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