tuscany # 70-73 ~ Greve, Tuscany

Montefioralle - 14th-century medieval village ~ above Greve, Tuscany • click to embiggen
Walkway ~ Greve, Tuscay • click to embiggen
Sculpture ~ Greve, Tuscay • click to embiggen
Tunnel ~ Greve, Tuscay • click to embiggenSo I'm sitting here wondering what topics, photography-wise, any of you might want to talk about.
Seriously, I am. Are there any specific topics that you would like me to tackle?
Let me know. I'm game for just about anything. And, oh yeh, feel free to comment on any of my pictures, pro, con, or otherwise.
Reader Comments (4)
Gees, I figured there'd be a bunch of takers by now, but... So, here's my request - tonal range in your photos. It's one of the qualities I admire most in them. I often feel, looking at one, that I"m looking out/in a window, not at a photograph. I'd be very interested in any comments you might care to make on your methods for achieving that range.
Of course, if you want to carry on with more social/political commentary, I'm all for that, too. I enjoyed, and totally agreed with, yesterday's post on "Crazy niggers doing crazy shit". Here in Vancouver, I could spend all day, every day, shooting photograph after photograph of people in straits that make "dire" look really good. I can't do it. Like they haven't got enough trouble in their lives without some schmuck with a couple of thousand bucks worth of camera gear sticking it in their faces just so he can seem "socially aware"? "Hi. You're poor, I'm not! Smile! Oh! Wait! Don't smile." Nope, can't do it.
I know many may have been offended by the "N" word but not me, I know how you meant it. I still come here everyday to look and learn, to the thin skins, get over it , life goes on.
Heard an interesting interview on NPR last night with a Nigerian author, who described how he liked Conrad's "Heart of Darkness," identifying with Captain Jim sailing up the river, until one day it dawned on him that he wasn't captain Jim, he was one of the natives on the bank, jumping up and down, and looking crazy.
After that, the novel did not seem so true...
I would love to see you have conversations with other photographers. I always feel like I gain a ton of insight from a back and forth between others.