picture window # 13 ~ it's still hot and humid

trying to keep it cool-ish • click to embiggenOk, it's not NYC hot and humid, but, everything is relative, is it not?
FYI, this picture is essentially the same view as this picture - the picture that launched the picture window series.
As I have been pursuing this project, and as I mentioned yesterday, an idea for another series came to mind - a kind of picture windows II. While I have been picturing from the inside out, it has occurred to me that picturing from the outside in would be very interesting indeed.
To date, my picture window pictures have been made in places in which I found myself by invitation or work - places of friends and associates, as well as my own home. While continuing on this path, my next step is to knock on the doors of strangers, explain myself and my project, and ask to picture one (or more) of their windows. I don't anticipate too much of a problem with this approach.
I am not as certain that asking strangers to be allowed to picture into their homes would be as well received. On the hand, I think it would be well worth effort to find those who would allow it, especially if they would also agree to be in the pictures.
Reader Comments (2)
A picture is worth thousand words. Now i got it. Yesterday i was not so sure of what you meant for series. I have been thinking about serialization as something truly photographic. It is statistics in photographic terms. Certainly, speaking of art, it is something very difficult to emulate in other ways.
But on the technical side. When you plan to ask somebody to take pictures from inside their houses how do you cope with matters as privacy and so on ? do you ask gently to sign up something ?
Lovely view, but I can't see what those prints are on the wall. Hobson originals?