ku # 502 ~ s**t or get off the pot # 2

Autumn mist and rain on Lake George • click to embiggenI'll be away for a few days but I wanted to let you know that the POD photobook idea is generating decent interest. There are still of number of you out there who have not responded but that I would expect to do so.
Also, a favor to ask - for those of you with a blog, please make an entry that mentions the idea with a link to my entry about the idea. Let's see how much interest we can generate.
FYI, Jim Jirka asked, "... Do you feel captions are enough for the images, with a artist intent statement enough to carry the book idea?"
my response: IMO, the simpler, the better. Although, if one feels that some text is in order, do it. My intention is to have an Artist Statement, a page or two of intro text, and pictures with captions / titles.
FYI, the entire book can be created in Photoshop by using text layers. More on how - to - do - it later.
Reader Comments (1)
I'd love some ideas about how to do the layout. Or even some blank templates. I have no idea about that kind of thing. I could figure it out but it would take me days and I know I'd be spitting nails by the end of it.