still life # 7 ~ Peaches, garlic, and beans

peaches, garlic, and beans • click to embiggenI must confess to becoming increasingly seduced by and enamored of the beauty I am discovering as I continue to investigate decay. I am finding these still life pictures to be very rich in color, texture, light, shape, form, and unexpected and surprisingly alluring beauty.
In a recent NY Times piece, Well, It Looks Like Truth (about a show at International Center of Photography), The writer Holland Cotter opines that "Art ... is in the business of questioning facts..." - something with which I would agree.
And I must state that I am having fun questioning the facts of decay.

Reader Comments (4)
I don't know why, but the remnant of the sticker on the peach drives me crazy! Otherwise, I like this one a lot.
I really liked #5 but this is also very good. did you light that?
These decaying objects are surely being given "the treatment." They're ****ing gorgeous. But what happened to the checkerboard floor?