civilized ku # 142 ~ a sign of the times

I am not closing • click to embiggenAs promised, or, depending upon your POV, as threatened, here's this week's socio / economic / political words of wisdom / rant / puerile crap. Feel free to mix and match or even add words of your choice to describe how you feel / think about this Landscapist "feature" presentation.
One of, if not the mess, that our new president faces is that of our economic predicament. It is a total train wreck of nearly unprecedented proportions. The challenges facing Obama are incredibly difficult in terms of dealing with (and redefining) cultural wisdom, socio-economics, and things political.
IMO, that is because some long clucking chickens have come home to roost and, to make matters even worse, they're crapping all over the place. And the biggest chicken on the block, in fact, the mother of all roosters, is the one that needs to have its head removed. That would be the one that wears the one ring and is also the one that has been constantly crowing (for the past 4-5 decades or so) that most seductive crow of all - you can have it all, you can have it now, and don't worry your pretty little head about the consequences.
It's gonna take some doing to gut that chicken.
But here's the thing. That chicken is going to live to a ripe old age and keep passing his/her siren-song DNA down through the ages if we don't learn how to re-think the very notion of our "economy". One of the best pieces that I have encountered lately on the subject of re-thinking that notion can found by following this link to Jonathan Rowe's article, Our Phony Economy.
I highly recommend the read because if we, the people, can not wrap our pretty little heads around the concept presented therein and learn how to recognize and support those in government and business who understand the idea, we better start learning how to talk to chickens because they'll be the ones ruling the roost.
Now, on a photography-wise subject, does anyone wish to discuss (ad nauseum, ad infinitum, ad captandum vulgus) which would be the "best" camera to use to picture chickens?
Reader Comments (3)
Mount a minicamera on a fox and let it loose in the hen house.
Thanks for the link to Rowe's article. It's definitely worth reading (maybe twice!). It's interesting, though, that you mention President - Elect Obama. Just this morning I watched a news story on MSNBC in which he said that the first priority of his administration would be to "create jobs and increase demand". Politically, there is little else that he can say and expect to remain an effective president. He cannot tell people that the "correct" answer is to transform the economy into something that will make more sense in the long-term (that is, one in which the rate of consumption is not the primary metric). Those millions who are barely making it now will, in all likelihood, not survive that kind of economic and cultural transition. And that, of course, is the catch-22 that confronts not just the president but the rest of us as well.
So the chicken that you describe will not only survive, it will become fatter and louder. Talk about being between a rock and a hard place......
The answer to your question is easy. These chickens must be photographed using a brand new camera, especially if it's one that has been purchased with a charge card. It should be a good one, too, like a Canon 5D MK II, or a Nikon D700, or maybe a Sony a900. And it should, of course, be a camera that was purchased to replace another camera that still worked perfectly well. Heck, that's why eBay was invented.
It is really quite disturbing just how fast so many businesses and economies can go flat and fail almost over night. I long for something tangible and much less virtual. (No offense to all my fav bloggers)
You wanna get this to get the "best" chix pix