civilized ku # 129 ~ keep your eyes on the ball(s)

Hugo keeps his eyes on the ball(s) • click to embiggenLast Friday, the day after Aaron's opening in NYC, Hugo and I spent the day seeing some sights.
We strolled through Chinatown absorbing all the sights, sounds, aromas, and general goings-on. For whatever reason, Hugo has recently been fascinated by China, especially by the fact that "it is the farthest place away in the world", so he was soaking it all up like a sponge. The highlight was when a Chinese gentleman stopped us on the sidewalk and gave Hugo an intricate origami airplane that he had just made. It was a genuinely touching cross-cultural moment.
Then it was a cab ride to Battery Park and from there
Statue of Liberty and Staten Island Ferry from Battery Park • click to embiggenout to the Statue of Liberty where Hugo distinguished himself by climbing all 200+ steps in monument base (the elevator was broken). While standing at the base of the statue and looking up, he declared it to be "totally awesome".
After the ferry ride back to Battery Park, we walked our way up to the bottom of Wall St. looking for a cab. Upon approaching the Wall Street Bull, from about a half a block away, Hugo blurted out, "Look at the bull's butt. He's got big balls." It's worth noting that, in addition to China, Hugo has also been quite fascinated by his balls recently (Mom says he's right on schedule, child development, genital awareness-wise). We proceeded to the front of the bull and while I was futzing with my cameras in order to picture Hugo and the bull, he drifted off to find a resting place - he was very walked-out at this point - with a view of, as you can plainly see, the bull's balls.
Somehow, I resisted the urge to explain to Hugo what kind of a problem those balls have gotten us into at this point. Although, I did consider the possibility of trying to hack them off.
In any event, I have to wonder, of all the things we'd seen and done that day, what he will remember most.
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