civilized ku # 122 ~ soft and hard

No. 38 E. Houston with morning newspaper ~ East Village, NYC • click to embiggenAs mentioned, I'm back from 3 days in NYC. As per my usual wont, there are many pictures to share. At times I feel like Dominic Rouse who stated ...
Images ooze out of me like puss from a running sore.
... although, I am not certain that I would express the idea with that degree of implied affliction.
Nevertheless, it does seem that I just can't help myself when it comes to making pictures. I've said it before - it seems like every where I go and every place I look, I see something to picture. Not that a place like NYC is lacking for picture possibilities. In fact, I would imagine that whatever your picture-making bent, there is subject aplenty in NYC.
One NYC subject that has captured my attention is that of the trees and foliage which are to be found throughout the city. Setting aside those trees/foliage planted and nurtured by public works, it's rather amazing what private citizens are doing with trees and foliage. It seems that they are engaging in a well organized attempt to "soften" the sea of concrete, brick, and glass which forms the visual makeup of the city.
But, I really doubt that it is an organized activity. Rather I would suggest that it is a reaction to the "cold" nature of the seemingly endless environment of "hardness" by individual actors who unwittingly act in concert. The net result, at least to my eye and sensibilities, is a very visually, emotionally, and intellectually engaging idea which would make for a great body of work.
Like I need another idea.
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