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« man & nature # 58 ~ hope springs eternal | Main | man & nature # 56 ~ the whole picture »

man & nature # 57 ~ a ghost of meaning

Soft, muted, and thick airclick to embiggen
I mentioned yesterday that today's picture, the 4th in series of on or around a golf course pictures, was most likely my favorite of the bunch. And, after looking at it longer, I definitely have come to that conclusion.

Admittedly, a significant part of the reason for why I feel this way is very personal - the picture was taken at the end of a round of golf with 3 generations of Hobsons - The Cinemascapist, my grandson, Hugo, and myself - a fact that in and of itself attaches much personal meaning to this picture.

That said, though, the afternoon was very overcast, not with dense cloud cover, but rather with a "thick", moist, and semi-opaque air. It was a very still air, a fact that contributed to an almost eerie calmness to the landscape. Everything - the light, color, sound - took on an uncommon subtle and muted quality. A kind of gentle stillness permeated everything and reached into the core of my awareness.

I don't know if this sense of stillness and "thick" air comes across to the average observer of this picture but, for me this picture will forever hold memories of a delightful afternoon with family (or, more accurately, part thereof) played out against a sublime backdrop of the serenity of the world of nature.

Isn't it interesting that I chose a landscape picture, totally devoid of family members, by which to remember this day?

Reader Comments (1)

I can see why it would be meaningful, life is to short but looking back at the image years from now are memories that can't be taken away.

I have three images on my website today that also deal with light with the sun setting behind me.

October 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDon

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