more evidence of past lives
I received an email yesterday about a multi-year, multi-school reunion weekend in my hometown of Rochester, NY. Out of curiosity, I clicked on the link to see what it was about.
It actually seems like a fun event so I clicked on an Image Gallery link, thinking that it might have pictures from past reunions. Wrong. It was actually 6 galleries, one from each school included in the reunion event, of pictures from the good old days. And there, in amongst some from my school, I came across this picture which includes yours truly.
I have absolutely no memory of the pictured event. I'm totally clue less as to exactly what it was we were trying to convey. Although, there does seem to be an organizing concept of 'signs', not to mention eye wear, white socks and bare calves. I am absolutely certain that, whatever we were up to at that moment, it must have seemed like a damn good idea at the time.
Yep, that's me 3rd from the right. And, yo, as for gangsta signs, there was no such concept as 'gangsta' in the early 60s and, as for signs, the only one we knew involved the middle finger. Nevertheless, I and my fellow preppies will be happy to accept the mantle of avant-garde re: introducing the concept of gangsta and gangsta signs.
The 'reality' and 'truth' in this photograph is ample evidence of that.
Reader Comments (4)
it seems to me, that you in particular (the lanky one I presume) seem to be throwing up some sort of prep school gangster signs with your hands?
I sort of thought that it was the one to the right of the crutch wonder. Is that correct?
yo, yo, yo, gangsta, gangsta.... :)
I am also guessing third from right