urban ku # 89 ~ beach life

Coors Lt HHR $1.50 Dfts $2 Btls - Windrift Avln • click to embiggenOne of the many differences between the south Jersey beach and the Adirondacks is sky adverts. We have seaplanes, they have a regular procession of flying advertisements.
This particular winged midway barker is extolling the virtues and location of the Windrift in Avalon where, during Happy Hour, Coors Lite can be had for $1.50/drafts or $2.00/bottles. The message certainly fits in with the beach culture but I keep waiting to see a truth-in-advertising banner that simply says, "Beach lovers bonus - death by skin cancer.
Reader Comments (2)
Ahhh, long before the annoying "crawl" at the bottom of our TV screens there was the crawl across the sky at our favorite beachside resorts. This is an enormously interesting image Mark on so many levels.
I like it; coming from a beach culture it's an instantly recognizable scene, with the tilt adding to the feel of lying back on a towel while your family plays around you. I first thought the plane was too small, but looking at it again, it fits nicely in the sky and is more an interesting detail than a distracting element.
Not sure if the light falloff in the corners is from the lens or added. If added, I think the image could do without it.