ku # 478 ~ moon over dunes and the Atlantic

Moon over dune and the Atlantic • click to embiggenMy body and brain is back to something approaching a human state - as opposed to the slimely, protoplasmic, primordial amoeba state of the past 4 days. I am still a few days away from "normalcy" but the end appears to be insight.
Re: night photography - I have been following Joe Reifer's blog, Ramblings about photography, for quite awhile. It seems to me that Joe's real passion is night photography and there is a discussion going on there right now about creating a 'night photography lexicon'.
I am following it with interest because I am interested in night photography but there is a lot about the sub-genres I don't understand. 2 sub-genres in particular that give me a spot of trouble are; 1. those that turn night into 'day' (shouldn't it look more like night???), and, 2. those with photographer introduced colored light (the point/purpose of not light, but colored light being?).
Once the noggin/noodle is fully functioning, I plan to chime in on this subject a bit more, and...
FYI, a Night Photography Forum is on the way, so, get out there and start picturing the night away.
PS an interesting collection of night photography in many different styles can be seen at The Nocturnes
Reader Comments (2)
For those interested in night photography, we've also got a blog dedicated to this genre:
Hi Mark,
The "day for night" look can be confusing. If the full moon is providing 6% of the amount of light as daytime, and you expose 16 times as long, things look pretty damn bright. Instead of 1/125 f/8, it's 8 minutes at f/8. There are further pontifications on night photography exposure and sky color on my blog. The choice to add colored light is a complex topic that will eventually get covered as well.