FYI ~ I wouldn't give my troubles to a monkey on a rock

This afternoon, Monday, is my first day back on feet on a very limited basis. I spent the last 4 days in bed or on the couch dealing with what must be the flu - very high temps, massive headaches and a few other symptoms that I won't describe.
Suffice it to say, high fever and no food make Jack a weak boy. I may (or may not) feel well enough tomorrow to sit at the computer and get back into it. Here's hoping ...
Hell, I even missed Hugo's birthday party.
PS - this weekend's Landscapist canoe outing is postponed. Except for next weekend, I am available to re-schedule at everyone's convience.
Reader Comments (4)
oh, i do hope you are feeling better soon!
Get well I enjoy your blog very much, you have opened my eyes to a new way to look at things
aww....feel better soon!!
I'm sorry to hear about your yuckiness Mark. Tough when that stuff hits in summer, or whenever. Rest up and re-coup.