urban ku # 73 ~ a walk in Wadhams

A walk at the Wadhams Strawberry Festival • click any photo to embiggen
As any of you who have been around for awhile know, I have always been a fan of picture series. Seems like I have been picturing that way since forever although my ku body of work is not organized in that manner. While many of the pictures were made in a 'mini-series' fashion - same location, same 'shoot' - they are all just lumped together under the ku banner.
I have created many triptychs from mini-series shoots. You can see many, but no means all of them, here. I like triptychs (mine and those of others) quite a bit, but, as my mill 'walk' series (more to come, just taking a break) demonstrates, there is nothing like employing an extended series of pictures to create a world/sense of place.
Today's pictures are from a very short walk in Wadhams where we spent some time yesterday afternoon at the strawberry festival. All the pictures were made within no more than 100 yards of each other. While they create a small sense of the place called Wadhams - it's really tiny - they also create a sense of the greater place called the Adirondacks by demonstrating how close a relationship man and nature have within the park.
Reader Comments (1)
I often work in a similar way. Same location same shoot. I've never thought of it as creating a world/sense of place. I think of it as an exploration or like looking. When we walk around and explore the world we look here then there, see the different light or texture or composition change with movement of position and attention. I guess the finished product from this way of working does create a world/sense of place.