civilized ku # 34 ~ a walk in the forest #2

Traces and evidence of a different world • click to embiggenIn the introduction to American Series by Neal Rantoul, Joe Deal writes - 'The most basic question any photographer has to answer is what to photograph ... There are a variety of ways to answer that question, but often the first impluse is to try to find something extrordinary and to take a picture of a time and place unlike any other, one hopes ... Another way to answer the question, the one adopted by Neal Rantoul, is to be more open and accepting of the world as it presents itself to the camera and of one's passage through it.'
American Series is a book of 10 image-based chapters. Each chapter is a series of photographs which came from a single walk in a specific space, town or neighborhood. Each sequence reveals the great variety of subjects present in any given place or in the time it takes for a short walk.
Again from the intro - 'Each series unfolds in a way that is similar to the way in which we normally experience a place for the fist time. As our gaze and our attention shift from one thing to another we start to collect impressions that merge into a sense of place.'
Reader Comments (1)
Nice images. There seems to be a lot of «industrial ground» to explore in this old plant. Looking foreword for the other images from this serie.